Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Power of the Ocean

We're having an amazing confluence of weather systems here which is producing record high surf. Although not as tall as in Northern California where they're reaching 50 feet, our waves are still pretty impressive. I had to drive to the beach this morning and, along with all the other camera nuts, snap some photos.

For the doubters among you, this is all you can see of the lifeguard boat when it's between swells. No, it's not a submarine <^_^>


Karen said...

WOW! I thought they were big when I visited last spring. I wonder what it was like standing in the building with those giant waves crashing beneath it.

Anonymous said...

wow, amazing waves and what great shots!

Rach said...

I can almost hear the sounds those waves must have made. Gorgeous photos, Chris!

Unknown said...

Those are some amazing pictures!